Monday, April 26, 2021

A Summoning of Demons

While my thirsty, still unpotted daisies probably wish I had been doing other things, I finished A Summoning of Demons. I appreciate Berg's/Glass' ability to keep tension in a slower-than-thriller-paced book, but I have to admit this one had me feeling teased at points. Enough with half-remembered memories and dreams! Like Livia, a new character in this book, perhaps a fantasy take on Copernicus or Gallileo--I just want some knowledge. I want to know what's up with those sniffers.

Mild spoilers to follow:

As to sniffers, my long-brewing anticipation is satisfied. Their origins are mostly revealed. We learn more--but not everything--about Teo. About Placidio? A few more hints dropped, but his past has yet to be revealed. While some mysteries are (at least partially) resolved, and there's a few turning points for Romy, especially in the final scene, that could suggest the end of a series, it's the mystery of Placidio above all that makes me hope for further Chimera books. Not only do I want to know all the details of his past identity or identities (my read of the clues has me thinking he was born heir to Ricci; does that mean the current Grand Duc is also the son of an islander?), but I'm kind of shipping Romy & Placidio. On the one hand, it could be nice to have a series where romance isn't the primary thing on the female protagonist's mind and doesn't dominate the central relationships ... on the other hand, I'm in camp Romidio. Plomy?

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