Saturday, April 17, 2021

Saturday Night Post

Oh, I'm really not in the blogging mood. I'm not necessarily in an anti-blogging mood, though, so it'd be a shame to break my streak. I'm reading the third of a fresh series of romances, which I'll probably write about tomorrow or later next week. My other main reading today was periodicals, including flipping through the latest Eating Well, which apparently ate Cooking Light about a year ago. I'm not wild about the switch (the paper quality has gone done, for instance), although it hasn't been as bad as I feared. This issue isn't packed with too many recipes I'd like to try, although there's an interesting article on ethically sourced spices from Vietnam that includes an intriguing pork satay recipe as well as a roasted potato recipe that looks a little involved (it's basically a much more complicated version of a shake-n-bake) but still yummy. 

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