Thursday, April 1, 2021

April Blog Along?

So, earlier this week I was surprised to get a "ready to dust off your old blog?" email from Effy Wild, a fabulous artist and art instructor who I have been following for more than a year now. I knew she was very much a writer, though I don't always think of her that way because right now I am using my art journaling as a creative outlet that doesn't require writing or editing or proofing pretty much at all. Apparently, every so often she runs a "30 posts in 30 days" blog challenge, and this year's starts today.

I have not been in much of a writing mood, but I have been thinking about doing something for national poetry month, including reading some poems and perhaps challenging myself to incorporate poetry into some journal art once a week (or 4 times in April). I guess I got in the mood early when I was arting along to Effy's journal jam at the beginning of week and trying to think of words to scribble. I thought of Ryuichi Tamura's "Every Morning After Killing Thousands of Angels" (a longtime favorite poem that I hadn't read in a while and that I also associate with high school forensics) and, while Googling, came across this very springy Robert Frost poem in the gather-ye-rosebuds-while-ye-may tradition.

Anyway, I didn't hate the idea of maybe trying to blog daily in April. I don't know that I'm officially going to set that as a goal, because I don't want the pressures & there are other things (work, cleaning, taking time for art journaling that has been making me happy) that are more of a focus for me right now. But I think I'll give it a whirl. I may post some poetry or some poem reviews or book reviews or some art if I feel like it. If I stick with posting, I may even have to learn how to add a button (there's a cute one for the "blog along").  

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